Mouser Leadership Group LLC
Keynotes and Workshops
Developing strategies for creating a positive classroom environment
Implementing steps for teaching the “lessons that matter most”
How to have "difficult conversations" to improve an organization
Creating success by embracing and sharing failures
Adapting instruction to meet the individual needs of students
Embracing reform and change to benefit students
Providing perspective on the lasting IMPACT that we all can make on students and each other.
Developing a School Improvement Plan
Building and Maintaining a Collaborative Culture in your Organization
Cognitive Coaching and Leadership
Creating Success as a New Teacher
Succeeding as a Building Administrator
Functioning as a Board of Education
School Improvement Consulting
Inspiring students through vocational education
Using Agricultural Education to inspire and apply core content
Other topics upon request
Focus on Impact: The Lessons that Matter the Most: Keynote Address

Dr. Mouser has provided workshops and keynote addresses to several schools, organizations, student groups, leadership conferences, and businesses. Please feel free to contact any of the organizations to find out what type of IMPACT these presentations provided.
Idaho School Board Association Annual Conference Keynote
Nebraska School Board Association annual conference Keynote
Illinois Association of School Administrators New Superintendent Conference Keynote
Illinois State University, Hospitality, Event, Dining Department Customer Service Conference: Featured Keynote
Farm Bureau Farm Managers Spring Annual Conference Keynote Speaker
Illinois State University Student Affairs Conference Keynote Speaker
Georgia Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom State Convention. Columbus, GA. Feature Keynote
Delta Kappa Gamma State Conference Feature Keynote, St. Louis, Mo. Featured Keynote
National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference: Phoenix, Arizona Feature Keynote
Regional Office of Education #30 Carbondale Teacher In-service 1300 teachers Keynote.
Mt. Vernon conference: Regional Office of Education #13 Clinton, Jefferson, Marion, Washington Counties Illinois County-wide Keynote and workshops
LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam County Regional Office of Education #35 Region-Wide Keynote
McLean County Unit 5 Para-Professionals Workshop/keynote
Regional Office of Education Galesburg Illinois Keynote Speaker multi-county school presentation
Illinois FFA Stars Conference Keynote Speaker
McLean County Farm Bureau Youth Conference Keynote Speaker
Atwood-Hammond Illinois School District Opening Day teacher in-service keynote
Prairie Central School District Professional Development Workshop Keynote Speaker
Millstadt School District Opening day teacher in-service keynote
Annawan School District Opening day teacher in-service keynote
SpeakUP presentation series for students throughout Illinois
University of Illinois College of ACES Graduation Speaker
Illinois ACT conference presenter
Illinois Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations State Convention (multiple student presentations and workshops)
DECA Central Region National Conference Keynote and Teacher In-Service Presenter: Chicago IL.
FCCLA/Phi Beta Lambda: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America: Several Keynote Presentations
FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America State Convention: Keynote Presentations
FFA Organization Leadership Conferences: Several workshops and keynotes throughout the Midwest
FFA Banquets: Several FFA banquets in communities throughout Illinois
Illinois 4-H groups and organizations: Several Workshops and keynotes
Several Agricultural Organizations Keynote Presentations: Groups include Illinois Corn and Soybean Association regional meetings, beef and Livestock producer annual meetings, Farm Credit, Banking annual meetings, and several others.
McLean County and Illinois Farm Bureau annual meetings: Keynote Presentations.
Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs Convention Keynote Presentation
Career Connections Conference Keynote Illinois
Washington Illinois School Districts Teacher In-Service Day: Keynote Presentation
Keynote Speaker at Several Middle Schools and High Schools in Illinois, including Normal Unit 5, Lexington, Gibson City, Monticello, Olympia, Tri-Valley, and several others.
STARS Conference Keynote Speaker: Keynote for students interested in teaching agriculture as a career
AFS Services Communication Skills Training: Division of Case IH: Workshop Presentations located throughout Midwest
Operation Cool (Safety Initiative) Keynote for high school students in Illinois
Illinois Principals Association New Administrators Conference Speaker: Multiple Presentations
Illinois Principals Association Vice-Principals and Deans Conference Chicago: Speaker and workshop presenter
University of Illinois: Keynote Presenter Leadership Conference for College Students
Illinois Grain and Feed Association: Keynote and Leadership Workshop Presenter
Law Enforcement Administrative Professional Conference: Keynote Presentation
McLean County Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Council: Keynote Presentations